Multi Color Go / Discussion

Sub-page of MultiColorGo

Hmmm no-color go could mean either no-players-go (doesn't make much sense - a non playable game?) or blind go, where there actually are players only the moves aren't represented by colored stones anywhere. Don't you think so? Reuven

nachtrabe: Raises the point. There are four factors here:

  • Number of actual colors.
  • Number of virtual colors.
  • Number of players.
  • How they are linked (along with the ruleset required).

So, for example "one color go" has 1 actual color, 2 virtual colors, 2 players, and they are linked 1-1 between virtual colors and players.

Blind go would be 0 actual colors, 2 virtual colors, 2 players, and they are linked 1-1 between virtual colors and players.

Three color Go as described here would be 3 actual colors, 3 virtual colors which correspond with the actual colors, and three players that correspond 1-1 with the colors.

Pair go would be 2 actual colors and two virtual colors that correspond directly, 4 players that correspond 2-1 to the colors, with the additional rule that pairs are not allowed to communicate.

Honestly, I don't find the idea of "three color go" (etc), as described here, all that interesting. Tactics such as ladders become substantially less functional, and the probability of teams forming to take out one player is very high, and it seems the that it would turn from a game of strategy-with-perfect-information to a betrayal problem. That may have some merit in-and-of itself, but it is a radically different game.


Tapir: In my humble opinion these pseudo-mathematic ramblings about zero colour go or go with one colour (as opposed to one-colour go) are no help to anyone. I therefore removed them from the page. This is exactly this kind of page nobody dares to touch because it is way too freaked out already.

Multi Color Go / Discussion last edited by tapir on February 27, 2011 - 22:53
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