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Michael Dobbins, Philadelphia, PA.
- Highest Rating: AGA 5k; Latest: AGA 6k
- Playing Go since 1983
- Play on DGS as mdobbins (>1000 games completed)
- DGS forum moderator (inactive)
- Developer for
anDGS, an Android client for DGS and SGF editor
- Play on KGS as mgd (4k)
- Formerly a top 10 poster on GoDiscussions, may it rest in peace
- On LifeIn19x19 as mdobbins
- Rarely on IGS as mdobbins or mgd
Go Teaching experience:
- WeiQi class at the
Guang Hua Chinese Cultural School in Blue Bell, PA
- Manassas, VA Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington
Rating System I used for my WeiQi Class
My work:
- retired
- My Company:
Hello Governance