Lithops is an apparently unfinished program written by Ben Lambrechts.
Lithops (commonly called flowering stones or living stones) are true mimicry plants: their shape, size and color causes them to resemble small stones in their natural surroundings. The plants blend in among the stones as a means of protection. Grazing animals which would otherwise eat them during periods of drought to obtain moisture usually overlook them. Even experts in the field sometimes have difficulty locating plants for study because of this unusual deceptive camouflage.
Patterns extracted from professional and strong amateur games.
These are around 20.000 professional and 100.000 strong amateur games.
With these patterns Lithops plays strong human fuseki and joseki, where the modern Monte Carlo programs are failing on this.
TODO: details about patterns
Evaluation function
TODO: details
Monte Carlo
MCTS implementation from the excellent Fuego Library.
TODO: details