
Sub-page of KyuExercise59

Table of contents Table of diagrams
Interesting points
Black key point
White key point
Successful defense
Failure I
Failure II
Failure III
Failure IV
Failure IV, continuation, part 1
Failure IV, continuation, part 2


Black lives unconditionally.


Interesting points  

First let's imagine white plays as in the diagram. white+triangle is a tesuji for connecting to the outside, but ko is possible.

white+square certainly is the key point here, a three-purpose play threatening connection to the outside, killing the black stones on the right, and killing rectangular six in the corner.

More good news come from the shape point-of-view: white+square has the special power of the (1,1).

Furthermore it reduces the number of liberties of the strongest black stone/group to three, matching the number of its own liberties. With white+square, no connection of any of the black stones can increase the effective number of liberties above three. The tigermouth however has the possibility of ko.

Regarding extensions, with white+square none of Black's stones can increase their liberties anymore, while white+square has three options to increase its own.

Black key point  

Now let's imagine a black play at the key point black+circle. With that Black has a guaranteed eye space of four even for two consecutive white plays where the first is not a self-atari. That means, if there is a chance to kill Black, than only with W1 at the key point.

White key point  

We already know that W1 has three options for killing, and the longest sequence is two more plays. That means, that there has to be a black move removing two of these options at once, or Black will have to fall back to trying ko.

  • The circle both cut the escape route and promise a second eye.
  • triangle removes the kill threat and also promises a second eye.
  • square only cuts the escape route, but it creates two options for eyes. Both are burdened with possible ko, but that means that one should succeed without further constraints.
  • cross only promises a second eye (by dividing the rectangular six), but it also changes square and triangle to being double-purpose plays, both at once prohibiting escape of White and prohibiting kill of the right black group.

Furthermore we see that square and cross reduce the liberties of W1. triangle does that too, but thereby also reducing the liberties of the right black group.

Finally square is pushing W1 to the weakest black group (The other stones would be as weak without the possibility of ko.), while cross removes one possible attack move at a. triangle reduces a to a possible ko.

Black at b might be answered at c or d - or not at all, because killing the right black group with W1 is already worth more than a ko for the complete corner (which then where the better option for Black).

Successful defenses after white attack

Defense after White's best attack:

Successful defense  

Now a and b are miai.

If W3 at c then B4 at a; if W3 at d then B4 at b.

Failing defenses after white attack

Failure I  

Ko due to shortage of liberties:

B2 is preparation for reducing the following ko from a two-stage ko.

After W7 this is a race which Black can only win with a ko (White taking first; two-stage ko without playing B2 first, because later White can answer directly at a).

One of B2, B4 or B6 has to be on B2, otherwise W7 at B2 and Black looses the race by one.

Failure II  

Black dies due to shortage of liberties.

Failure III  

Seki due to shortage of liberties.

If B6 at W7, then ko with White taking first.

Failure IV  

Ko due to shortage of liberties:

After B4 there are two key positions, both promising an eye and both being possible ko.

There are a lot of continuations from here. Also the problem is open, but this should be ignored for tsumego.

Failure IV, continuation, part 1  

The best continuation after failure IV, part 1:

W7 and B8 ko-threat exchange, W9 on W5.
B12 is Black tenuki.

Failure IV, continuation, part 2  

The best continuation after failure IV, part 2:

W15 and B16 ko-threat exchange, W17 on white+circle.
B18 is Black tenuki.

KyuExercise59/Solution last edited by togo on December 5, 2012 - 22:41
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