LukeNine45: I believe White can live at a and black can kill at b, but I could be wrong because I didn't spend much time looking at it...
Hans: If black 1 white 2 is interesting (even if it does not bring life for white).
I saw this for white playing first
zinger: White can live this way, but there is no need to give away a stone at .
; this is better. See One-Two-Three for more explanation.
P7A77: I had read the ko response to Problem I before looking at this, but it seems here is the only way for White to live, with Black taking first?
zinger: I think this is right. After a white threat and a black answer, black can conenct at a as a local threat - white must answer at b.
Anon: Black 2 at 3 kills - if white prevents the connection black then plays at 2.
zinger: Aha. Silly me :)
tderz: at
is safer. Sometimes the sagari
is tesuji for
=eye, but White is still dead here after
As with tderz's variation above playing hane at first doesn't help with black a, white b, black c to follow
White a and b are mia now. (that's what I meant)
Perhaps it did not make so much sense that I altered a problem and discuss something completely different. I am sorry for the confusion caused ...
Anon: Here black can still play at
to kill. White should play
as below for a ko (or directly at