Kim Kyeongwan
Korean professional
According to their Go4Go profile, they had qualified by January 2018, and were promoted in 2021, between March and July.
Kyeongwan is probably male, as there are no female tournaments listed.
Not to be confused with Kim Kyeongeun.
John F. Go4Go is wrong. It is Kim Kyeong-hwan, as the hangeul above shows. (And as the character form of his name also confirms).
bugcat: I suggest we make a new article Kim Kyeonghwan, move the info there, and turn this one into an alias of that one. I consider it important that every name used on Go4Go is, if not the name of the corresponding Sensei's page, at least an alias. That's what I was trying to ensure with the Go4Go Korean checkup.
John F. That seems cock-eyed to me. There are quite a few Korean names that end in -hwan and others in -wan and they are quite distinct. For example, in go there is Kim Myeong-hwan and Kim Myeong-wan. The correct solution is for Go4Go to correct their own mistake. And SL is not a Go4Go subsidiary, surely?
bugcat: SL pages need to be findable. If the people who are interested in Kim are seeing his name on Go4Go, or in a youtube video or on a twitch stream that uses the Go4Go name, and they search for Kim Kyeongwan and get no result, what's the point in that? Better to acknowledge that the incorrect name is in use, and make it an alias. It's perfectly possible to add a note in the article body explaining that Kyeonghwan is the correct form.