KGS Score Estimator
The SE or "score estimator" is a score approximation software included with the KGS Java client. It uses a simple method of estimating the score, and as a result it is not reliable. (Often, the SE would obtain the wrong status of a group, i.e. mark live stones as dead and vice versa.) It is the only part of the client not written by wms, but instead by a strong Japanese amateur dan player. Look here for some example of SE's weaknesses.
How to use SE
The SE discussed here is only available in the downloadable version of the KGS Java Client. This means that SE will not be available if you simply select "Play Now" from the KGS webpage. Then, when you are running the full client and you are watching a game or reviewing a game, Select Options->Score Est. You Cannot use Score Estimator while you are actively playing a game, as this could be seen as a crutch, although really, putting any stock in SE would probably weaken you. The SE only works on games of size 19x19, and here the guesses are best in games with Japanese scoring because the SE would count all stones on the board as alive when an area scoring ruleset is used. In a seki the SE counts all involved stones as dead.
Making Fun of SE
Often, when you are watching a game on KGS one of the kibitzers will say "SE thinks black wins by 30" and then somebody else will say "What does SE stand for?" Here is a list of answers you can give them:
- Stochastic Excrement
- Score Escalator
- Score Randomizer
- Stupidity Enabler
- Schätzeisen (german: ~ estimation iron)
- (need more names!!!)
Also known as Score Guesstimator. Amusingly enough, it is far better than the score estimators available on OGS [1] or the Pandanet client.
[1] In early 2021, OGS introduced a much more powerful score estimator. Due to concerns over its potential use as a form of bot cheating, the availability of this estimator was scaled back to only spectators and post-game analysis, with the in-game estimator remaining as the original tool. Much discussion on the new estimator can be viewed here.