Japanese For Interpreting Websites
bugcat: I'd like to open a discussion into how to interpret Japanese on websites like the Nihon Kiin and Kansai Kiin sites, and the Japanese Wikipedia.
There's a lot of Go information on the Japanese internet, often being stored in quite structured formats. If we could compile info here on how to access that data then it would be easier for deshi who aren't proficient in Japanese to create and maintain SL articles, or just to read from the source.
I suggest seeing the Japanese era conversion table for a start. 年 = year.
For player names, we have my Japanese pros list, DuEm's Wikipedia-ripped list of Japanese professionals, and the traditional list of Japanese names.
1-9 in Japanese (eg. in dan ranks) is 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九. 段 = dan. 初段 (shodan) is usually used for 1 dan. 入段 (nyuudan, "entering dan") means becoming the shodan and qualifying for a pro.
回 (kai) means an edition of a tournament or prizegiving.
Kansai Kiin profile
The following are given on Kansai Kiin profile pages.
Japanese | English |
生年月日 | Date of birth |
出身 | Place of birth |
師匠 | Teacher |
昇段履歴 | Rank promotion history |
趣味 | Hobbies |
特技 | Special skill(s) |
星座 | Zodiac sign |
血液型 | Blood type |
家族構成 | Family structure |
好きな芸能人又はタイプ | Favourite celebrity/type |
性格 | Personality |
好きなもの | Likes |
嫌いなもの | Dislikes |
ストレス解消法 | How do you relax? |
囲碁を始めたきっかけ | What made you start Go? |
もしプロ棋士になっていなかったら | If you couldn't become a Go pro... |
棋風 | Playing style |
勉強方法 | Study method |
対局前日の過ごし方 | How do you spend the day before a match? |
対局で負けた後の過ごし方 | How do you spend time after a loss? |
好きな言葉 | Favourite quote |
囲碁とは | What is Go? |
目標 | Goals |
ファンへの一言 | Message to fans |
HP・ブログ等 | Website, Blog etc. |
普段活動している場所(指導場所等) | Usual place of teaching |
The Nihon Kiin site has 性別 (gender), 棋士段位 (professional dan rank), 出身地 (home town / prefecture) and 所属 (affiliation).