Mikael Andersson from Sweden. Started playing Go in late 2004. Had a break from playing between may 2005 and september 2005. The nick 'Incarlight' isn't used anymore on the go servers. On both IGS and KGS I now go under the name 'Mikand'. 16k right now (october 2005).
2005-10-21: Today something unusual happened. I actually understood something I learned a long time ago. Today it sank in. Today's important lesson was that I don't have to follow my opponent's tempo. I play a lot against the various KGS bots, and I hadn't really understood why I had 100% wins against some ranked bots, and 20% wins against other ranked bots. If the bots and I have the proper ranks, I should be closer to 50%. But today when I played against GNUgo 2.4 and as usual let one of my groups die I realized that I was playing as fast as the bot. GNUgo 2.4 is virtually instant, whereas the Rankbots, for instance, take a few seconds per move. Therefore I played GNUgo 2.4 again, but keeping my own pace, and this time I didn't lose or let my groups die.
But the big question is... Will I remember this lesson tomorrow?
2005-11-14: Watched a teaching game by "UTDEspy" today on KGS. It inspired me quite a bit, and changed my opening ideas quite a bit. When the teaching game was over I set out to try these "new" ideas (Influence, weak groups, etc.) for real. I lost big due, mostly due to a dead group, but my moves felt better than usual. Normally I'm very focused on territory, having virtually no influence towards the center, but now I managed to at least stir things up a bit. I was still late in the center, but it feels like I'm getting somewhere. I hope to be a stronger player once these "new" concepts sink in a bit more.
(A few hours later): And then came a win I feel good about. I still need to work on endgame, but the opening felt good, and a ton of influence helped me in the middle game.
2005-12-02: I've gone up to KGS 16k now, and since I win most of my games by around 20 points I believe 15k won't be too far away. I attribute my success to what I've learned about influence and attacking weak groups.
2006-03-13: After 3 months of training for a new job I've returned to KGS more regularly again (at least for now). I was sure I would lose one stone in rank because of the break, especially since my ranking curve was starting to move towards 17k by itself. But after watching a lesson by Shyghost I suddenly went up to 14k after just a few games. I didn't actually understand everything from the lesson, but it somehow seemed to put me in the right frame of mind.