Igo Shinpo

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Igo Shinpo (囲棋新報 Igo News 1879-1924) was the world's first go magazine, published monthly by Hoensha, with Honinbo Shuho (and later heads of Hoensha) as the editor in chief. Essentially a collection of games played in Hoensha monthly meetings with some simple comments. 520 issues were published. Each issue sold more than 1,000 copies.

Photocopies of the original volumes may be viewed online at the Japanese National Diet Library (1909 bound set covering 1879-1886, that is up to Shuho's death. 600+ games in total): [ext] vol.1, [ext] vol.2, [ext] vol.3

Hoensha also started Igo Shogaku Shinpo (囲碁初学新報) magazine for novice readers in 1900. It changed names to Godo (碁道) in 1912 and then merged with the main magazine, Igo Shinpo in 1923.

Igo Shinpo last edited by hnishy on June 21, 2024 - 06:59
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