Ignorance And Apathy

    Keywords: Humour
What is the difference between ignorance and apathy?
I don't know and I don't care.


One of the few highlights of British politics in the 1980s: the Conservative politician who accused the Labour party of stirring up apathy. Charles

Forgive my ignoramusness, Charles, but which politician? I was only a young sprogling in those days and didn't learn about politics until later. - JennyRadcliffe

JG It was Willie Whitelaw in the October 1974 General Election who accused Labour of "going around the country stirring up apathy". He may actually have said "complacency".

Charles Yes, I knew it was Willie - my MP at the time - but hindsight clearly telescoped the decades.

Icepick Ah, Ignorance, Apathy, and Cynicism. The Unholy Trinity that gets me through my work day.

Ah, you must be a [ext] BOFH! :) - Tualha

OneWeirdDude: Not that I don't like it, but what does it have to do with Go?

Ignorance And Apathy last edited by OneWeirdDude on January 12, 2010 - 22:17
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