Hikaru Jr

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Hi everyone my name is Brian Rucker and I am 16 years old from Washington D.C. WOOT WOOT (though I am a Cowboys)

I currently am a 1k who plays on KGS (best server EVER).I have a room under socials called "The Enclave" and everyone is welcome to join.

We have teachers, lessons, weekly l&d problems, lectures, and our newest activity, "The Battle Royal".

The Battle Royal is when Rucker faces off with other kyu players generally 3 people get to play for roughly 40 moves and then have a review and discussion about their mistakes. The battle usually last for about an hour and I welcome all kyu players to come becuase I'm out to get you =).


Week 1:

  • Rucker-0
  • Kyu Players-1 (won by mike2096)

War of the Worlds Tounament Video!!!!!:[ext] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwWDcaoFK18

Hikaru Jr last edited by Hikarujr on July 31, 2008 - 04:11
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