Hahn Pointing System

    Keywords: Tournament


The Hahn Pointing System is a new method (*) to determine the tournament winner using points earned as a result of each game in place of the players win/loss record. Professor Sang-Dae Hahn of Myongji University developed the system to foster aggressive, fighting games with an emphasis on reading.

The Hahn system is based upon the scoring used in bangneki. Points are awarded to the winner and the loser of the game based upon the result. A single game is worth 100 points. The 100 points are divided between the winner and the loser based upon the difference in count at the end of the game.

A difference of 0.5 to 10 in the count results in the winner receiving 60 points and the loser receiving 40 points.

A difference of 10.5 to 20 in the count results in the winner receiving 70 points and the loser receiving 30 points.

A difference of 20.5 to 30 in the count results in the winner receiving 80 points and the loser receiving 20 points.

A difference of 30.5 to 40 in the count results in the winner receiving 90 points and the loser receiving 10 points.

A difference of more than 40 points results in the winner receiving all 100 points and the loser receiving no points.

The tournament winner in a Hahn pointing system scored tournament is the player with the most points, regardless of the player's win/loss record in the tournament. Therefore, a player with 580 points and a win/loss record of 5-2 beats a player with 570 points and a perfect win/losss record of 7-0.

(*) New in the meaning of official tournament use. The system and systems similar to it have been used in South-East Asia since at least the 19th century. It's ideal for gambling, or, if not gambling, for use in games where money changes hands depending on the outcome (i.e. teaching games with a flexible per game fee).


  • The system was used during the 2005 International Baduk Team Championship held in Korea.
  • The turn-based server LittleGolem has ongoing Go tournaments using this system.

Additional information is available in [ext] the finnish go wiki (the page is in English).

Hahn Pointing System last edited by Malcolm on October 11, 2017 - 14:52
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