I think I just refuted myself. White can play directly at h19 to separate and still have enough liberties left to connect at f14. --gnostic?
Starting to think this might be the answer --gnostic?
The more I think about this, the more it looks like this must be the solution. White's logical "only move" in response to G 19 must surely be to make the bamboo joint at F 11. Then the throw in at F 18, white captures, and black makes ko at E 19. white takes first, but black has a really nice local threat at F 16. If white wants to play passively he can ignore, black connects, white captures at B 19. If not, white can respond to the threat at E 16, black recaptures, and white if he wants can make the "safe move" at F 13, forming a bamboo joint. After black takes the second stage of the ko white can use B 19 as a threat, threatening a ko transfer, but then the temperature of the ko will go down. I'm fairly confident that this is the answer. Please refute this if it's not. --gnostic?