GoDiscussions At The Internet Archive
The Internet Archive provides 920 URLs from GoDiscussions at the above link (specifically those beginning with http://www.godiscussions.com/forum/archive).
The URLs apparently lead to forum threads.
The links have no title slugs, so it's unclear what content can be found at which one. As such this resource is (at least for now) a do-it-yourself tool for the reader who has a particular interest in GoDiscussions, which was active from 2006 to 2010.
GoDiscussions used the same diagram format as Sensei's, but the images haven't been preserved in the archive: so if you want to view a diagram, throw it into an SL sandbox. SGFs haven't been preserved either, except as text.
See also some GoDiscussions hamete and tsumego.
Some (moderately) interesting threads
DrStraw on improvement techniques
NYGC Fischer and Bronstein timing discussion
large knight's enclosure discussion
Alex's "really interesting / completely uninteresting (non)tsumego"
erislover on avoiding being shut in
3-4 joseki and fuseki discussion
winning the won game with Alex
Positional judgement with Alex
Bill Spight and others discuss the semantics of the "double" or "two step" hane