Getting sente
“Getting sente” may be argued to be a misnomer, on the grounds that there are no sente getting moves, only moves that keep sente and moves that don't, which are gote.
It should, moreover, be borne in mind that the term “sente” is used in a number of somewhat different senses.
However, it can also be argued that a move, played as a local answer, in such a way that it invites the opponent to make the last move locally (take gote), is a sente getting move. Or stated differently: a sente getting move is really a tenuki getting move.
The following is a path of examples or discussions of getting sente.
- Sente getting tesuji
- Taking sente in a ko
- Sente punishes the peep
- Endgame clamp (sente diagram)
- Ijime and Ijime/discussion