Get Strong At Ko Threats
ChrisBall: Sadly, I actually played this move over the board, in Astute readers will notice that the position's been shifted; it was played on from a 4-4 joseki in the bottom-right corner.
Wouldn't it be better to have a Get Strong at Ko-Date page?
Yes, we definitely need a comprehensive ko-dating manual. Then we can all master the "wanna go see a movie? I'll cut your group if you don't" tesuji...
Just in case it wasn't clear, ko date. pronounced "ko dahteh", is Japanese for ko threat. I'm so cool because I use words people don't understand!
spazdor: Elephentary?!??!?
Phelan: Its a pun on elementary, I guess. :)
Karambol: How about that diagram to be put on the first page?
Manabu: The one currently in the first page is more subtle and less stupid, so I liked it better. Anyway, let's have both in this page.