Gangster Go
Keywords: Strategy
CBlue: Kageyama 7p used the term 'Gangster Go' in chapter 7 (How to study Joseki) page 148 in his famous book Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go, when talking about brute-force attacks which base on cutting everywhere and playing unreasonably agressively.
Quoting Kageyama on a problem diagram on page 148: "White to play. When I gave this once at the Friday class at the Central Hall (for players from 5 kyu to 5 dan) during a lecture using a large go board, hardly anyone in an audience of more than a hundred came up with the right answer. [.....] I was filled with sadness at the inability of amateurs to focus their power in the right direction. I began to realize why the brute-force school of 'gangster go' prospers so."