Fuzz Nation Go Club

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Hi and welcome to the Fuzz Nation Any Rank Go Club League(FNARGC Leage) go club league information page:) No one may edit this page except for the captains of the go clubs.

Some basic information you should know:

1.)You meet in the designated room your captain has told you to meet.

2.)We will occasionaly do tournaments every 2 months or so.

3.)We will also do rengo tournaments. And also 3 v 3 tournaments; the members will be divided equally.

4.)There will be reviews and other go stuff by dan players. If you have any questions please ask yaFUZZ04 or Nachodude.

5.) The MOST exciting thing...for some people that is...is that we will play other go clubs during the year as well once we get enough go clubs. The go club leaders will do a "internal" tournament to decide the top 6 players in that'll represent their go club for the tournament (The 6 players isn't including the captain or vice captain). Then those 8 (including both captains) will play against other go clubs in a tournament. For these tournaments and sometimes reviews, we will meet in the FNARG League Meeting Room, under social.

Rooms you are required to join: Your club's meeting room, and The FNARG League Meeting Room, under social.


Rules for Club Learders:

1.)In tournament club rooster, there can only be 3 dan players max to be fair and they MUST be 4 dan or below.

2.)Please send yaFUZZ04 or Nachodude your club rooster 2 days before the tournament;this will help making the pairings easier.

3.)If you want to stop your go club or take it out of the league, please message yaFUZZ04 or Nachodude.

4.)There can only be 2 captain in a club. (One captain and one vice captain)

5.)If you want to take off a member in your club for any particular reason, please message yaFUZZ04 or Nachodude.

6.)If you would like to start a go club please tell yaFUZZ04. And please be aware it CANNOT be before a tournament if you are partcipating in it, this will cause confusion. When you want to start a go club, please tell yaFUZZ04 the room your club will meet at and what it is under:) Also tell yaFUZZ04 who your captain is going to be.

7.)Please post this link onto your room's information to let others know as well.

Rules for regular club members:

1.)Respect and listen to your captains.

2.)Make sure to have proper etiquet when playing games with others.

3.)Do NOT by all means escape.

4.)Do not pretend you are a captain of a club; I have a record here^^

5.)Have fun:)

If these rules are to be broken several times or if your captain has warned you multiple times, the capatain have the right to kick you out of the club. If this might happen at all for some reason, I will have a ban list made for those people and you may not join a club in this league for a certain time period depending on why you were kicked out. The time of banning is up to your captain, not me, (yaFUZZ04).

Ban List:

Tournament Rules: Main Time: 45:00 Byo yomi: 5 sets of 30 seconds. Max Handi: 6 Rules: Japanese Komi: .5

Announcements: 1.) Summer go tournament in June. We will meet in Fuzz Nation Meeting Room.

Members in FNGC: yaFUZZ04(Captain), Mike2096(Vice Captain), Saix, KintaroOE, Kona, IHAM, Kurikiri, Sparrowx, Eraofgames, Windbeat, ObliviousH, Christian3

Members in ARGC: Nachodude(Captain), Lunadream(Vice Captain), PRIMOXVR,Ssyn,Gerrit1, Demon, Kakaricard, Acoustic, Joekun, Leapord, Gynn, Suai

Go clubs in this league so far:

Any Rank Go Club (The room is Any Rank Go Club, under social) Captain is Nachodude. Fuzz Nation Go Club (The room is FUZZ NATION MEETING ROOM, under social) Captain is yaFUZZ04.

Fuzz Nation Go Club last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 13:19
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