
Sub-page of FusekiExercise12

Timm(5k): In my opinion d and c would be too territorial (and slow) in this context, and e seems premature as the right side's still open.

a and b both seem to be playable.

After b ?  

b looks faster but I'd be afraid that White may invade at the bottom right san-san and then play the big move in the center. But Black's moyo is maybe still bigger ?

a looks more solid. White would obviously want to play the susogakari on the bottom but it could be a bad idea to create a weak group there. If White enters the right side from below Black can build from the bottom, and reducing from the middle doesn't seem enough either. So maybe a would lead to the easiest game ?

Position at move 36  

Dieter: your assessment is correct. This is indeed what happened in the kyu amateur game. Yan Laoshi suggested a instead, because the top left was open and in terms of influence the move would overlap. Territorial prospects lie at the bottom and right, which is why the bottom right is the proper place to play.

tapir: It is odd, that this kind of problem does not even mention all the moves I would think about in the proximity of a. 4th line, more distant moves etc.

Dieter: In his game comment, Yan Laoshi mentioned the large knight's move, one point above a, as another viable option. He still preferred the tighter a. I did not mention it as an option, precisely because it seemed to be playable too and I wanted to make a clear difference between "the" move and other moves that look playable to me but were not supported by the pro.

Position at move 36  

unkx80: I've read the above discussions, but I'll provide my own opinions anyway:

  • The right half of the board is the focus. Therefore d is not urgent.
  • I don't like b because it is too far from the bottom right corner and too near the black+circle stones, yet f is open. Actually my own intuition normally points to a point around g.
  • I don't like e because it appears that the sole purpose is to reduce white's influence. Problem is that it is too far from the white stones to put any pressure on them (like h or j), or develop the right side so it encourages white to enter at g (see elaboration below).
  • Between a and c, a is better because it makes it harder for white to enter the right side at g (again, see elaboration below).
Position at move 36  

This W1 is very annoying. If B2 here, then W3 and W5 builds a base. At the same time, it looks like the black group at the top right has turned from a source of influence for black to a possible target of attack for white.

On the other hand, if B2 at a, then W3 at b builds a base too. Then a will be too close to the top right group, and the position is still open at B4, so I don't think black will be satisfied.

FusekiExercise12/Attempts last edited by Dieter on September 30, 2014 - 12:02
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