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I began playing a few months ago and have read the first three volumes in Janice Kim's Learn to Play Go series. I definitely got much more out of the first two than I did the third so I am debating whether or not to read volumes four or five.

I have a [ext] blog which will likely accumulate quite a bit of go-related material as time goes on.

I find myself playing a lot on IGS these days. I really love IGS for its awesome glGo client and game selection.

Here is a link to my IGS statistical summary and game listing (built using a script I wrote, available at the bottom of that page):


Here is my current IGS rating graph, also created with a program I've written:

I also play on KGS. I love KGS for its community, historical information features, and avatars. :)

Here is my KGS rank:

Here is a link to my KGS games:


And here is a link to my KGS summary:


I do play on DGS and LittleGolem but, for some reason, I don't get into the games like I do in a real-time game. I do seem to enjoy Little Golem much more than DGS, but I am not quite sure why at this point. :)

frankiii last edited by Phelan on August 4, 2006 - 21:28
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