Welcome! This is Bleedo's KGS account.
If you'd like to know more about me, please go to Bleedo's Homepage.
KGS Info
Starting Date - Oct. 17, 2006 (Including Bleedo Account)
Accumulated # of Games - 389
Current Rank - 1k
These are the rooms I attend
English Game Room
Of course, it's the main KGS Room
KGS Teaching Ladder
The main room for teaching!
Beginner's Room
We're all beginners aren't we?
A Death Gods Tale
A pretty large study group, it has it's own site and runs three different tournaments that have separate rules. If you want more information about A Death Gods Tale, go to http://go-sensei.com/adeathgodstale.aspx (link down)
The Enclave
Another large study group