Five Hundred And One Opening Problems / Errata
These errata refer to 'First Printing August 2002'.
- p11, Problem 21:
- Although Black is to play, there is already one more Black stone than White stone on the board.
- p45, Problem 89:
- Wrong: 'Make territory while attacking your opponent's weak stones!' Where should White play?
- Right: 'Make territory while attacking your opponent's weak stones!' Where should Black play?
- p177, Problem 356:
- Wrong: 'Rob your opponent's weak stones of their base!' Where should Black play?
- Right: 'Rob your opponent's weak stones of their base!' Where should White play?
- p178, Answer 356:
- Diagram is an anti-clockwise 90 degree rotated version of the intended answer.
- p184, Answer 365:
- 'White plays B' mentioned in answer, but no 'B' on problem or answer diagrams.
- p184, Answer 368:
- Wrong: If White 1 next, Black 2, and Black will aim to make sabaki with his three stones below.
- Right: If White 2 next, Black 3, and Black will aim to make sabaki with his three stones below.
- p218, Answer 435:
- Wrong: ...expanding his moyo and neutralizing Black's moyo
- Right: ...expanding his moyo and neutralizing White's moyo
- p246, Answer 491:
- Wrong: White will next secure the lower right with 13.
- Right: Black will next secure the lower right with 13.
- p244, Answer 485:
- A, B and C mentioned in answer, but no ABCs on problem or answer diagrams.
- p250, Answer 498:
- Wrong: If White 4 at 5, Black A-White B-Black C-White D-White 7.
- Right: If White 4 at 5, Black A-White B-Black C-White D-Black 7.
- Back cover, first paragraph:
- Wrong: This is the reaons professionals are always solving problems...
- Right: This is the reason professionals are always solving problems...