Fair Komi
Standard Komi assumes a fixed value for every level of play.
Yet it seems that correct komi (0.5/0.5 win chances) for low level play (e.g. random) is lower than standard komi.
Thus fair Komi is not likely to be a fixed value, but should be scaled according so that the winchances at this level of play indeed match '0.5'.
One easy way to attain fair Komi would be to utilize either of these rules:
- Divide and Choose: "One player chooses Komi, the other one chooses sides."
- Auction Komi: "Both players secretly bid Komi for moving first. The higher bidding player gets Black."
Yet how should one scale Komi or choose a good value for above rules?
Lacking extensive data on Beginner as well as DDK games, I will now create an experimental table of Halfmovevalues scaled by skill:
- 9d+ Halfmovevalue = 8 (e.g. RuiNaiwei would pay 8 komi for black)
- 06d Halfmovevalue = 7 (some amateurs and pro dans want higher komi)
- 01d Halfmovevalue = 6 (around here the default might be appropriate)
- 15k Halfmovevalue = 5 (at lower levels the importance is negligible)
"Correct" komi
The intent of the komi is to equalise the chances of winning for White and Black. So the correct value of komi is the komi which would result in equal chances of winning, when the two players are perfectly equal.
We have a number of such games: the games played by AlphaGo against AlphaGo. White wins about 85% of these games; therefore, the komi used (6.5) is too big.
Actually, the bots use 7.5 komi. It has been suspected for over 40 years that the "correct" komi is 7.