Excalibur Clock
Keywords: Equipment
Excalibur has 3 main time controls:
- Primary - Use for main time
- Secondary - Use for byo-yomi
- Sudden Death - Not normally used for Go
These 3 main controls can be set independently for the left and right player. It will look like this:
- Left Player Primary Seconds (:XX appears on the left side)
- Left Player Primary Minutes (XXX appears on the left side)
- Right Player Primary Seconds (:XX appears on the right side)
- Right Player Primary Minutes (:XX appears on the right side)
- etc for Secondary
- etc for Sudden Death
Instructions for setting a custom byo-yomi time control:
Example for 40 minutes main time and five 30 second overtime periods
- Set slider to pause and turn on the clock.
- For the next steps, use select to go to the next option, use +/- to change the current setting.
- Preset - Use one of the user settings, U1-U5.
- Primary - 40:00, 0 (main time, 0 means not required to make X moves during main time requirement)
- Secondary - 0:30, 1 (byo-yomi time, 30 seconds and 1 move per period. Number of byo-yomi periods is controlled by "Game End" later)
- Sudden - 0:00 (Not used for Go byo-yomi)
- Delay - 0 (Bronstein style delay, usually not used for Go)
- Claim - Off
- Save - Off (This is used to save the current time of a game for adjournment)
- Counter - Off (Setting to On just displays how many moves have been made)
- Game End - 5 (This is the number of byo-yomi periods)
- Accum - Off (Fischer style increment)
- Sound - On, 10 (Beep 10 seconds before the period, and on the period)
- Delay - Off
- Word - Off
- Second - Off (Change to On if you want to display seconds while >10 minutes left)
Playing in overtime
When playing in byo-yomi, the number of periods left is displayed as a small number next to the time countdown. The last period is number "1".
When you run out of time... (What happens? I think the "1" changes to a flag icon?)