uxs: Off course, given the amount of stones on the board and the amount of prisoners, it seems that the alien either got a humongous handicap, or was allowed to play twice in a row every other turn or so. Given that, it seems Trip didn't really have a chance anyway, and the Enterprise engines are still in capable hands.
IanDavis Yes ;-) This would have been deemed to be the most artistic way to play by the director. I remember a scene in James Bond where the Director got rid of 2 knights from the board because he felt they were cluttering it up. Rendered the whole position (which was copied from Grandmaster Game Bronstein Spassky maybe?) totally unsound. As long as it's Art though.
gtwade: I rummaged online and found two pics from that scene. Would it be copyright infringement to show them here? Otherwise I can just link to them.
IanDavis it could well be, so just provide a link for the authorities to find out about it
gtwade: Here it is. http://www.voyager.cz/enterprise/epizody/048cogenitorobr4.htm
ThaddeusOlczyk: From what I can see of the overhead shot. There are two bowls of White stones, and none of Black.
Velobici: The image is a little dark; the white stones in both the bowl and captured white stones in the lid next to Tripp stand out. The bowl of black stones between Tripp's left hand and the board is harder to make out in the image.
Axel? If the member of the enterprise is the only Go-player on the ship and learned the game by an article of the Computer library (maybe a copie of wikipedia). He is indeed the champion of the ship and then the match is not too bad :-)
gtwade: I never saw the show (don't have TV). Is that scene a tribute to the Edward Lasker quote? Or is it just to show how intelligent the visiting alien is?
QWerner: Look..How he put the stone on the board. May be there was no technical advice available in the compiuter.So its a huge art how they get all the stones so nicely on the board.