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Hey everyone!

I play on as doulos. Doulos is greek for "bond-servant". A bond servant is a slave who had the option of liberty, but chose to remain a servant. And that begs the question, "who's your master?" The answer to that is Jesus Christ, because he loved me enough to die for my sins, so I would not have to be separated from him forever.

I have an ftp server at [ext] (port 21 if your FTP client asks) It was established for HikaruNoGo, so if you have some episodes, please upload them. Logon as user "ftp". There is no password.

Imagist: It is an EXTREMELY bad idea to leave an FTP server open to the world like this. To quote [ext] this page:

"...don't be surprised to wake up one morning to find that you are hosting an illegal file distribution service for some enterprising hackers. And don't say that will never happen to you - pirate sites on hijacked FTP servers are pretty common and the cost of transferring terabytes of illegal content can be huge!"

Oh, I almost forgot, I really suck at Go.

Check out the [ext] Camden Go Club, St. Mary's GA, of which I am a co-founder and the president.

ChessWhiz: Hey, I am a Christian, too! I am ashamed I didn't write it on my homepage like you did. See you in heaven! :-D

Kungfu: I am also a Christian, my mother raised me as a Christian and I strayed, and now that I am married I find myself taking my wife to church. :) So, ChessWhiz, so does this mean we will finally get to see perfect play? ;)

ChessWhiz: Yep, the Kami No Itte. We will also discover the perfect komi, as discussed in Mathematical Bounds of Komi! :-)

A dude: Wow! You guys are close to Savannah (well, sorta)! =) Maybe you guys can visit the SavannahGoClub sometime. Or we can come to you. Grr.. I just wanna play some Go! =)

doulos last edited by on August 3, 2007 - 08:45
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