Hey everyone!
I play on as doulos. Doulos is greek for "bond-servant". A bond servant is a slave who had the option of liberty, but chose to remain a servant. And that begs the question, "who's your master?" The answer to that is Jesus Christ, because he loved me enough to die for my sins, so I would not have to be separated from him forever.
I have an ftp server at (port 21 if your FTP client asks)
It was established for HikaruNoGo, so if you have some episodes, please upload them. Logon as user "ftp". There is no password.
Imagist: It is an EXTREMELY bad idea to leave an FTP server open to the world like this. To quote
this page:
"...don't be surprised to wake up one morning to find that you are hosting an illegal file distribution service for some enterprising hackers. And don't say that will never happen to you - pirate sites on hijacked FTP servers are pretty common and the cost of transferring terabytes of illegal content can be huge!"
Oh, I almost forgot, I really suck at Go.
Check out the Camden Go Club, St. Mary's GA, of which I am a co-founder and the president.
ChessWhiz: Hey, I am a Christian, too! I am ashamed I didn't write it on my homepage like you did. See you in heaven! :-D
Kungfu: I am also a Christian, my mother raised me as a Christian and I strayed, and now that I am married I find myself taking my wife to church. :) So, ChessWhiz, so does this mean we will finally get to see perfect play? ;)
ChessWhiz: Yep, the Kami No Itte. We will also discover the perfect komi, as discussed in Mathematical Bounds of Komi! :-)
A dude: Wow! You guys are close to Savannah (well, sorta)! =) Maybe you guys can visit the SavannahGoClub sometime. Or we can come to you. Grr.. I just wanna play some Go! =)