To all and in particular you native speakers and scholars.
What is a concept and what is a principle ?
Is A group with two eyes is alive a principle and are both two eyes and life concepts ?
Is connection a concept and global connection is important a principle ?
Velobici: Dieter you are on the right path, I believe. I am sure that over time we will develop better statements of these ideas.
A Principle is a guideline or heuristic that guides one's play. Examples include not forming weak groups, not touching weak stones, and run to the open area. A Principle is a course of action to take, a way of handling a situation.
A Concept is an idea that one uses to understand the relationships between the stones on the board and the possible lines of play. Examples include shape, connection, and eyes.
A Concept is like a noun, whereas a Principle is like a verb (not very happy with this simile).
Expanding upon this a little bit more; it is a Principle to make good shape, shape is a concept.
Tapir: This might turn out great, but needs work.