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I bought goban recently, and I've taken an immediate like to it. Trying to learn more, though, since I'm still not good enough to even beat the computer.


I had a recent question about this situation (from SixDieButEightLive) presented by ChihChan:

Black first; White lives with ko  

by ChihChan

Seems to me that the next move would be:

How can white survive after black plays ko?  

by colinta

xela: Hello, colinta, welcome to SL!

After black plays B1 in your diagram, white will play W2 as a ko threat somewhere else. If black answers the ko threat, then white, not black, will get to play at B3. If black doesn't answer the ko threat, then you're right, white will die. So it depends on what happens elsewhere on the board.

Ko fights can be very confusing! I suggest you follow the path Ko Pages - Beginner to learn more--it starts to make sense after you've seen a few examples.

colinta last edited by xela on June 8, 2007 - 04:15
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