Chidori is a cartoonist who created a comic in 2006, The Empty Triangle, about various go topics. It's no longer particularly active (and hasn't been since ~2018, or earlier), but does receive very occasional updates.
The site went down in early February (2022), but it's back up now.
She has a DeviantArt page where she says I used to play Go and draw a webcomic about it.
According to that page, she now lives in Prague and works on "transgenic mice and planarians".
Her profile on the Empty Triangle site, last updated in 2011, says
I'm 24 years old, a girl, born in Bratislava (Slovakia), currently living in Prague (Czech Republic). I finished a graphic design school in Vienna (Austria) in autumn 2007 and worked since then as graphic designer and freelance illustrator. I learned go in summer 06 and immediately fell in love with the beautiful game and the incredibly friendly and fascinating people playing it. After years of concentrating on go and art, I realized I was slowly getting old and decided to try and devote some of my life to my third passion - science. In autumn 2011, I finally started studying microbiology and biochemistry at the Charles university here in Prague. Go had to move into the background a bit, but still creeps into my view on everyday life here and there. This comic is now about four years old, and what started with occasional little drawings of things happening around and to me slowly developed into a project that continues to have major influence on my life. I hope you enjoy reading my comic at least half as much as I enjoy drawing it!
Contact information from her website:
You can reach me via email at chidori<at>emptytriangle<dot>com, on IRC at freenode as chido (#brmlab) and on the KGS go server in the room as chid0ri.
Some information about her career in art is here.