Cards Go
A Go variant.
Each player disposes of a set of cards, indicating a certain shape. Players take cards in turn and play the indicated shape, either subsequently or simultaneously (in which case groups with two eyes are not safe). Other than shapes, cards can also say "remove three stones of your opponent's" etcetera.
I saw this being played in Moscow by Alexander Dinerstein and it seemed big fun.
Website with game rules and printable cards:
This game really is a lot of fun. Children like it as well, as the game is pretty fast and many "fun" things might happen. Just killed groups may come alive again etc.etc. If you are intrested in playing poker go or card go (what is in a name), you can download them at the following address : To get all the 5 pages, you have to change the 1a in the adress into 2a, 3a, 4a and 5a. Right click on the image and use "save image as". Before printing, read the instructions on page 1 first. Otherwise you will end up with loads of useless paper. Because you have to print using a program which can reduce the images to A4 paper size. Another possibillity is to copy and paste the image into a word document and then print it.
On page one you will find empty "cards" so you can make up your own cards if you want to. Be creative and
Have fun !!
There is a further subvariant of this called
Cardie Go
This is played with a dice and a pack of Go Cards. There is a single pack of cards which is common to both players. They may choose to roll the dice, or to lift a card. If they choose a card proceed as normal. If they roll a dice a 6 means they will miss a turn, 1-5 means they can play as many stones as the number they rolled. This variant can be further randomised by introducing Magic The Gathering Cards.
Tosco90 - The link is not working. Does anyone have the set and could post it?