CGT References

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    Keywords: EndGame

Disclaimer 1: Most of the stuff below is fairly heavy on the math side; I haven't found a nice introduction yet (if I keep on reading papers at my current speed, I might as well write one myself - unless BillSpight beats me to it once again). However [ext] might provide a nice jump-off point, but it mostly deals with Classical Game Theory. Indeed, [ext] seems devoid of interesting content.

Anyway, here are some places to look for stuff on Combinatorial Game Theory.

Online papers and other material:

You can also search for "Surreal Numbers". This is also the title of the first book-length publication on this topic. It was written by Donald Knuth, and is sub-titled "How two ex-students turned on to pure mathematics and found total happiness". A review of the book is at [ext] . It is a whimsical book, and probably not the best introduction to the formalism that is now used. PDF, and other, versions are available via [ext] .

Offline books:

Disclaimer: I haven't read any of these books, but they seem pretty interesting to me...

Author: JanDeWit

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CGT References last edited by PJTraill on January 23, 2019 - 15:31
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