Bruce The Hoon
Let's just say I am a software designer with a severe bent towards mathematics. I started playing Go in 1982, but never went beyond the approx. 8 kyu level, as in the beginning I haven't had the benefit of teachers / good books (we have decyphered the rules with a couple of fellow students and went on playing), and later I haven't had the benefit of enough leisure time to improve.
So much for now - this is just a placeholder of homepage. Later on I might write a bit about my attempts to write a Go program and enter with it into the ING prize contest, the conclusions I drew during that exercise wrt. the game of Go in general, and how the difficulties forced me pick up as much theoretical physics as I could hope to understand, what does QM have to do with Go at all IMO, and how did the games of Bridge and most importantly Minesweeper enter the equation at some later point.