Blackhole Go
My cousin and I thought of a game similar to Tao go before hearing about Tao Go except its not a stone but a point on the board that stones can't be placed. We called it black hole go. The black hole would be either selected at random with a third party telling the 2 players if their stone disappears or both players get to pick one point on the board and have to use their point with skill while guessing where their opponents black hole is. They can also set up the board with say tengen being the black hole. ~gocrazy432
Versions 1. Virtueful - Opposite of Virtueless, tengen is an automatic eye due to blackhole point.
2. Both players agree on one or more blackhole before starting, like Virtueful
3. Randomly selected blackhole and 3rd player makes sure they don't play it in the middle of the game.
4. Both players set one or more black hole(s) before the game starts that they keep hidden from the other player.
5. Both players get one or more "move(s)" to place a blackhole.