The above solution(s) are incorrect. The vital point is . Once is played, White must play at to survive. Black then plays at . White captures with to prevent Black from capturing it's group. At this point Black must play at . is not in atari so there is no need to solidify with 'a', for if Black did play at 'a', White would respond with 'b'. If Black plays at , White will be captured and Black can live. --Anonymous
The statement above is wrong. After white has an eye and black does not. White can even play tenuki. If now black plays a white plays b and vice versa. This situation is called me-ari-me-nashi. Hans
The last two paragraphs are very confusing. Is the first totally wrong? Shouldn't it be deleted or rewritten as another incorrect solution? Eric545
unkx80: The first paragraph was posted by an anonymous user, while the second it posted by Hans. As the person who posted this problem, I say that the diagram is wrong.