
    Keywords: Online Go

Ladder for fairly bad Go Bots on KGS.

If we can link all the from-scratch Bots (which generally start at worse than 30k) in a ladder with at least one Bot good enough to get a firm rank on KGS (30k or better), programmers of new Bots will have a way to judge improvements and have some element of competition. The current 30k limit on KGS is probably sensible for humans, but can be tricky to get to with a first program.

The ladder will be set up and initially operated by Kestrel who wants it for Dumbbot.

The rules for participation in this ladder are /Rules

The following /Programs are currently part of the ladder.

Here's the current /Ladder.

dnerra: Btw, you might be interested in the "Random Go Challenge" by Gunnar Farneback (should be googlable). He also has some rather weak bots that are just a little more intelligent than a random go player.

"Random Go Challenge" by Gunnar Farneback


BadBots last edited by OscarBear on January 7, 2016 - 13:35
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