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Hm... what to write about myself? Difficult question...

Let's make a beginning: I am Sebastian Schumann from Rostock, Germany. Born in 1991 I am now 16. If you are from Rostock or Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, you may contact me for more information e.g. on Go-meetings and so on. My E-mail-adress is I won't open any attachments, if you do not explain why there are any, so don't waste time writing mails, which will be deleted instantly. ;)

Helpful are the page of the German Go Association (Deutscher Go-Bund) [ext] and the site of the Go Association of M-V (Go-Landesverband) [ext] If someone from M-V decides on playing on KGS ([ext], we have a room called "Mecklenburgische Bundesliga" (Rooms > Roomlist > Social)

Now to Go and me: In April 2007 I read Hikaru no Go, and the try to understand what they're playing all the time guided me to the KGS Server. So I started playing Go myself, and today I am 7k on KGS. Furthermore I am the founder and leader of a Go group at my school.

Gubkow, Germany, 2007-6-18: 3:2 >> Not bad for the first time%%% Drachenschlacht, Schwerin, Germany, 2007-6-8: 2:3 >> I'll train more^^
Rahlstedter Tengen, Germany, 2007-11-10: 3:4 >> It just confirms my ranking ;)
Berliner Kranich, Germany, 2007-11-24: 3:2 >> Totally ok...

If you have more questions to Go or whatever, you may ask via mail or my KGS-Account (andorian). I am willing to teach weaker players, just ask.

At last my favourite Go-proverb: If Chess is the game of kings, then Go is the game of Gods.

andorian last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 09:45
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