4-4 point low approach, two-space high pincer with side stone

    Keywords: Joseki
Framework strategy  

In the presence of black+circle, B2 is a pincer that works in a way that is quite similar to the pincer at a, which has to a great extent replaced B2 in pro games.

For White's reply W3 at b see catenaccio joseki. The hazama tobi at c is the other common possibility.


The usual way for White to play is the immediate 3-3 invasion. B2 is indicated here, because of black+circle. W5 may be at a, b or c. At c is often seen in the West because of an 'old information' effect: the pros have hardly played this since 1975, but it's still in the books in English.

Current thinking  

This is the modern line. B8 at a instead is bad. Charles Matthews

Why atari is bad  

Allowing white to cut at W1 as a threat to break through could lead to this position. Responding to W3 with a counter hane at a asks for the stone tower tesuji. Black can avoid the stone tower but it will still give w a larger corner, quite likely in sente, for no compensation.

The start of the stone tower, a situation to be avoided  

Erikpan: What is the accepted (correct) response to the hane at 3, out of interest?

Slarty: My reading of this is that there is some fight left in this position, it's just to be avoided (by the proper B8 above). Tenuki is good option. Backing off with a one space jump (the point southeast of a) is pitiful but in some ways correct. It's better to play out the stone tower sequence. It's just not a perfect moyo anymore.

4-4 point low approach, two-space high pincer with side stone last edited by on July 31, 2013 - 01:36
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