3-3 Point Invasion which peeps at the tiger's mouth
Keywords: MiddleGame, Joseki
is usually played to keep sente. Sooner or later White plays
, which is usually gote but which has a large follow-up.
If Black tries to use the special properties of the corner by playing at the 1-2 point, the crawl at
suffices. Black's attempts to smother White with
would be a mistake. White loses a liberty.
unkx80: Doesn't at a win the capturing race?
fractic: I think so too. Also while White does indeed have one liberty less, she does have sente. In the earlier diagram she had one more liberty but Black had sente.
MrTenuki (KGS 3k): Please correct me if I'm wrong-- it seems to me that Black could try to trick White into playing the following sequence if he is komaster.