3-3 point invasion query 9
This 2005-07 discussion has been largely rendered obsolete by advancements in 3-3 theory made since the AI revolution of 2016-17. is now a very common joseki move, discussed in more detail at 4-4 Point, 3-3 Invasion, Jumping Away.
Hans: A few days ago I saw this sequence appearing in a game: Is this hamete or just another joseki move which is uncommon?
tderz: It is a method for Black to get sente.
[1] Important is the stretch . If
crawls, Black does not have to respond immedeately locally and gets global sente.
The cutting point at c is protected, because Black has also more liberties (around d).
The more "usual"(?) variation on the right ends in gote after white a, Black b.
I just see that unkx added already a continuation,
however, in [2] could be at
here in [1].
Of course, Black could also wait (as in Zhang Wendong vs. Zhou Heyang 1992-09-14) and decide later whether to hane at or nobi
Having checked gobase, I get the impression, that the continuation following my reasoning is played least often.
White playing d himself, with Black replying at e occurs often, as does the simple (?) Black f for (=unkx80's variation below).
My summary could be: if White crawls with – take sente.