3-3 point invasion query 3
This is played often against me, and I do not know how to punish it correctly. Playing on the 1-6 point next to is obviously not a good answer. The only points I see to punish this overplay are a and b. Thoughts?
Richard Cant: This is NOT an overplay...
unkx80: This is joseki. The follow-up is White b, Black a, White c.
petervessenes: If White b, Black c, White a is a fantastic move, worth many many points. A ponnuki here is quite a bit of influence, and guarantees territory on the bottom as well.
12k Josh Larson
Charles Matthews See 4-4 point 3-3 invasion double hane for all these lines.
Speedchase: A is joseki (although white should save 3-7 for ko threats), B is bad for white