3-3 point distant low approach, one-space low pincer
This is one case for the 3-3 point pincers where there is some actual theory to report.
After , White usually plays at a to make shape. It is also known for White to play a counter-pincer at b.
We can note a transposition here from the 3-4 point distant low approach, one-space low pincer. Here though might be a little submissive: the replies at a or b are normal for Black here.
If is hane here instead, Black can cut, leading to what is an unexplored fight, with joseki still being explored.
Black can also simply accept a low position with . This result is also seen on the 3-4 point distant low approach, one-space low pincer page. Naturally Black hopes to settle
in this position, so that White's influence will not be easy to use effectively.