I want to download the latest version of CGoban3 and then install it offline afresh under Windows Vista. I do not want to use any JNLP file, JavaWebStart? for installation, nor get any file association. What is the URL of the right file to be downloaded by means of a browser's Save As function? How then do I install CGoban3? Can this be done like installing other applications under Windows or do I need to call it with java, and if so by which command and parameters? Do I then have installed cgoban.jar, unins000.exe, unins000.dat, and CGoban.exe, or do I need to get the CGoban.exe from yet another URL and copy and paste it to the same directory as cgoban.jar? (Notes: Using JavaWebStart? for downloading is not an option because I do not trust it for that purpose. Online installation or automatic downloads are not an option because for security reasons I never do such.) --
In the meantime, I have found out a temporary answer: