With the "pass for a specified ko" rule, pay attention to the following beast ("life and death example 16" from the official commentary):
The 1989 rules have an undefined result here - the double ko formation can behave like a strange "quadruple ko":
- black captures in the corner
- white captures in the double ko
- black captures in the double ko
- white passes for the double ko
- black passes for the double ko
- the last 4 steps repeat infinitely, so Black is never able to approach further.
The commentary is wrong in stating that the white stones' death in this situation follows from the rules.
Is that "once only in a particular position" rule a kind of superko?
I think of it more as a kind of disturbing ko rule. ;-)
In human terms, there is a difference between superko rules and rules such as this once only rule and my end of game ko rule. Superko rules are more general and harder to deal with because of that. The once only rule only requires players to keep track of whole board positions where a player took a ko, while a superko rule requires players to keep track of every position. In fact, in virtually all cases the sequence of play which leads to the once only prohibition will consist of ko plays. It is much easier to apply than a superko rule.
Some rules define a ko as a repetition of a whole board position two moves earlier. (The Japanese rules do not.) With such rules I could simply prohibit taking the same ko twice.