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mistakenly passing before the game is finished [#919]

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reply mistakenly passing before the game is finished (2007-03-22 03:11) [#3228]

I just played a game where I passed when there were about three worthwhile moves left. My opponent passed too then we started scoring. These unplayed points made a whole in a big territory and so technically I would not have scored all those points. After asking my opponent very politely how to correct the situation, he undid his last pass (without me asking him to) and we finished off the play. Then he got upset and called me a cheater! He said you're not allowed to do that in the scoring. We were using Japanese rules. What do you think?

-- Anonymous

Bill: Re: mistakenly passing before the game is finished (2007-03-22 07:46) [#3229]

The Japanese rules allow you to reopen play after two passes. If you make the request play starts again and your opponent plays first.

From what you say there was obviously some misunderstanding.

TheCount: Re: mistakenly passing before the game is finished (2007-03-26 15:52) [#3240]

I conveniently missed out that in the resumption of play, we both undid one board play each as well as one pass each. My opponent then passed where he had previously played a 0-point sente, but I replied as if he had played the 0-point sente anyway. (I didn't realise this at the time... I was just trying to get the game back into the same position).

I think I took the first move in the resumption though. That was therefore wrong, since I requested the resumption. Re: mistakenly passing before the game is finished (2007-03-26 15:55) [#3241]

Oops, now the shame of this post has been associated with my user name.

Bill: Re: mistakenly passing before the game is finished (2007-03-26 19:05) [#3246]

The only problem I see is taking back the plays before the original passes. After that, the opponent's pass started the resumption. It sounds like the result was the same as if he had done so without taking those plays back.

As for any shame, the Japanese '89 rules are so convoluted that not having the niceties at your fingertips is nothing to be embarrassed about. :-)

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