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another accessibility issue: go diagrams and especially marks, can't be made larger [#903]

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reply another accessibility issue: go diagrams and especially marks, can't be made larger (2007-03-14 16:47) [#3161]

hi, i can increase font size, and that works very well on sl (*), but the diagram sequences are unreadable because they are too small.

there is no screen magnifier that fixes the problem adequately. changing dpi settings in x or mozilla causes problems that are worse. i have tried both.

is there a way to make the 1, 2, 3, a, b, c marks larger, and also make the board diagrams larger while still having the text flow around them?

it's never worth it for me to load the diagram into an sgf editor or anything like that just to be able to read the sequences. too many clicks. can't read the text at the same time.

but if i could read diagram sequences and the text at the same time, then i could read sl (*).

is this too hard to fix?



(*) if you don't count my previous post.

ArnoHollosi: Re: another accessibility issue: go diagrams and especially marks, can't be made larger (2007-03-14 15:30) [#3171]

this is not easy to fix.

Have you tried Opera? The magnifier there works quite well.

Mirsha: ((no subject)) (2007-03-14 11:41) [#3165]

If you click on a diagram it will allow you to download the SGF file and you can then view it in whatever client you have setup to be comfortable to use.

reply ((no subject)) (2007-03-14 20:03) [#3174]

thanks for comments.

these are not solutions for me.

opera is not installable in this case, and i don't think it would work any better than mozilla's dpi settings or xzoom, both of which cause other problems.

regarding clicking, as i said in my original post:

 "it's never worth it for me to load the diagram into an sgf editor or anything like that just to be able to read the sequences. too many clicks. can't read the text at the same time.

but if i could read diagram sequences and the text at the same time, then i could read sl (*)."

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