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I am mostly drunk. Or maybe not. I spend much of time time watching game trying to tighten up my play. The games of Go which I play are mostly levelled against GnuGo, it plays such a sort of perfect unforgiving game I feel that I should be able to beat it with some form of regularity before I start trawling my rubbish moves against KGS players and expecting them to respond.

However I do enjoy playing against players of my own rank and explaining my moves to them despite being drunk.

Regardless of what certain players have said to me about being drunk and playing Go, it's when I play my best Go as it empowers me to play adventurous moves and read ahead more. By making mistakes it forces me more to realise where I've gone wrong and how to counter it, something I've come into very recently with the whole trying to learn Joseki and not being able to respond to devious variations.

Update or something 17/11/06

I had my first win against GnuGo this week. It was disappointing. To explain the situation better I had spent half an hour on my lunch break playing a game I lost against GnuGo as usual and at the end of it I had decided that I had probably lost the game early on in the Fuseki by playing weakly in the wrong direction. I thought I would take the last five minutes of my lunch to play a 50 stone game against GnuGo to investigate direction of play issues but ended up just hammering through moves quickly without thinking and ending up winning by 8.5 points (0.5 komi to white) due to a completely accidental move I made which cut off black stones. And I'm not sure whether he could make life or abandoned them for a larger point somewhere else.

Definitely a game I need to come back to.

AndreasTeckentrup: there are several reasons you shouldn't play against GnuGo 1: Gnugo doesn't play like a human. You will learn how to defeat Gnugo, but not how to defeat real players. 2. Gnugo cannot teach you or answer your questions. 3. Gnugos Opening (and direction of play) is bad.

Don't be afraid of playing against human players, you will learn much faster and have more fun.

Mirsha last edited by on January 25, 2015 - 22:09
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