Calvin: It appears this isn't a really nadare exercise for the reasons indicated by Bill and unkx80. It's just showing an unlikely position where the slapping tesuji can be used to good effect, so I think the page is misnamed. It should a sub-page of slapping tesuji or something.
I'd think that a real nadare exercise would be something that explains why a normal, intuitive move isn't the best one in some variation, or perhaps it would ask how to choose the best variation for a whole board context at some imporant turning point.
I don't like this example so much because I think both white and black have made mistakes before the question of the slapping tesuji shows up. It looks like it's bad direction for white to start the nadare here (despite the tactical consquence shown, it's clear he can't develop on the top) and I question whether black should hane, starting the small nadare. If he just connects, isn't this good enough? I don't know if this is better than a for black, but I don't like white here.