Forum for Great Quotes

Go is better than Chess? [#881]

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reply Go is better than Chess? (2007-02-20 21:53) [#3092]

As it happens, I believe Go is better than Chess, but if someone has just visited the Intro to Go page, and then clicked on quotes, and then reads all the "Go is much, much greater than Chess" quotes, a Chess fan is likely to get annoyed.

If one wishes to convert Chess players, then I suggest removing them.

Flower: Re: Go is better than Chess? (2007-02-21 02:31) [#3093]

I agree. Go websites often compare Chess to Weiqi in a too biased way. (SL is a wiki, so it is different, but I would like to see the chess/weiqi comparisons toned down in the introductory paths and pages.)

LukeNine45: ((no subject)) (2007-02-21 16:27) [#3097]

I have to agree, too. It's a little over the top. Besides, any chess player that gives go a shot will soon be hooked, anyway, so we don't need to rub it in. ;)

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