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Gosu Bako [#877]

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reply Gosu Bako (2007-02-15 11:25) [#3079]

Hi, I don't know if this is a little off topic, but I am not sure where else to post! I have bought a beautiful Go set from Kuroki Goishi in Japan. The bowls came in a Gosu Bako (box for Go bowls). It was tied up beautifully with a ribbon that was tied in a certain way. No matter how much I try, I can't get it tie in the same way. Does anybody know how to do it please?

X Re: Gosu Bako (2007-02-15 16:09) [#3080]

Bob McGuigan: I have one of those boxes and I can tie the ribbons properly, but I doubt that I can explain it without pictures. I think the key is to put both loose ends into the "loop" over the top, bring the loose ends to the outside and over toward the center, tightening the ribbon, then tie the loose ends together. That way it won't just fall apart. Gope this helps ... good luck.

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